Dust - Unified Save Rules

Dust - Unified Save Rules

We will be updating the Save rules once we get our hands on rail gun weapons rules.

A Save is a target unit's reaction to Hits. Unless otherwise noted, Saves of the same type do not stack; example, you cannot get Evade and Improved Evade Save. For Infantry units, Cover and Infantry Saves are mutually exclusive unless otherwise stated.

Here are the six types of Saves in Dust 1947. (Structural and Improved Structural Save are not in the official rules)

Evade Save
The player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Unit received. Each [BLOC] rolled negates one Hit. Evade Save happens before Cover/infantry Save. 

Improved Evade Save
The player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Unit received. Each [BLOC] or [SHIELD] rolled negates one Hit. Improved Evade Save happens before Cover/infantry Save. 

Cover Save
For an Infantry Unit in Cover, the player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Infantry Unit received. Each [BLOC] or [SHIELD] rolled negates one Hit.

For a Vehicle Unit in Cover, the player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Vehicle Unit received. Each [BLOC] rolled negates one Hit.

Infantry Save
An Infantry Unit that is not in Cover receives an Infantry Save. This Save represents the ability of Infantry to "hit the dirt" or dive to the ground to avoid incoming fire. The player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Unit received. Each [BLOC] rolled negates one Hit.

Structural Save
Structural Save is attempted after Cover/Infantry Save. The player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Unit received. Each [BLOC] rolled negates one Hit.

Improved Structural Save
Improved Structural Save is attempted after Cover/Infantry Save. The player rolls a die for each Hit their Target Unit received. Each [BLOC] or [SHIELD] rolled negates one Hit.

What follows is a reference of how the various weapon categories interact with Saves. 

Sniper weapons 
Negate all Saves except Evade and Improved Evade Save

Phaser Weapons
Negate Cover, Structural and Improved Structural Save.

Flame Weapons (including Flame Burst)
Negate Cover, Infantry, Structural and Improved Structural Save. 

Negate Infantry, Evade and Improved Evade Save.

Close Combat
Negate Evade, Cover, Infantry, Structural and Improved Structural Save.  Improved Evade is reduced to saving only on [BLOC].

Smoke Screen
All units within a Smoke Screen gain a special Evade Save (instead of Cover Save) against ranged weapons only.


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