Dust - Skills

Here is a consolidated list of Skills in Dust 1947. Still a work in progress.

A player must declare that a Unit is using a skill before rolling any dice that might be modified by that Skill. Unless otherwise stated, Skills possessed by a Hero apply to a Unit they have joined, and Skills possessed by a Unit apply to a Hero that has joined their Unit. If a Hero and Unit possess the same Skill, it is not doubled in effectiveness nor do they gain a second use of the Skill. If the Skill may be used only once per game, the Hero and the Unit use it at the same time.

A Hero with the Ace Air Pilot Skill rolls a die when the Aircraft that they are piloting Activates. On a[BLOC]or[TARGET] the Aircraft gains a third Action for this Activation. A Hero with the Ace Air Pilot Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

A Hero with the Ace Pilot skill rolls a die when the Vehicle that they are piloting Activates. On a[BLOC]or[TARGET]the Vehicle gains a third Action for this Activation. A Hero with the Ace Pilot Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

A Unit with the Advanced Reactive Fire Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) can attempt a Reactive Attack if a Unit that is no more than Range 6 from the reacting Unit performs a Triggering Action Combination. Rolls of[BLOC]or[TARGET]are considered successes for determining the number of Actions the Unit receives.

A Vehicle with Air Alert equipment can take an Air Alert Special Action. If it does so, select an
enemy Aircraft within Line of Sight and roll a die. On a roll of[BLOC] , any friendly Vehicles performing an Attack or Sustained Attack against that Aircraft hit on rolls of Army and Target symbol for the remainder of the Tum.

An Air Assault Vehicle can be carried by an Airlifter. The Vehicle does not need to Activate before the Airlifter does while being carried. It can Activate after the Airlifter. dismounting through a Move or March Move Action as its first Action. In addition, if the Aircraft carrying the Air Assault Vehicle is eliminated, it only takes Damage on rolls of [TARGET] rather than [TARGET] or [SHIELD] symbol.

A Hero with the Air Pilot Skill can pilot an Aircraft. A Hero with the Air Pilot Skill does not share it with any Unit they join.

Take an Air Traffic Control Special Action by selecting a friendly Aircraft that has already Activated this Turn. Roll a die, on a roll of [BLOC] the Activation of the Unit with this Skill immediately ends and the selected Aircraft Activates immediately again. With a successful Air Traffic Control Special Action, the player Activates two Units consecutively. A Unit may only be Reactivated once per Turn.

An Airborne Unit is never placed in the play area at the start of the game. On the first Turn of the game (if held in Reserve, when they would normally be put into play) they are placed anywhere on play area, but not within Range 2 of any Objective. The Airborne Unit can be placed inside Terrain that blocks or impairs Line of Sight. Airborne Infantry can also be placed on top of a Building (but not inside).

The Unit’s first Action must be a Nothing Action. The player then rolls a die. On a roll of [BLOC] or [TARGET], the player may assign the Unit’s second Action. On a roll of [SHIELD] the Unit must perform a second Nothing Action. An Airborne Unit may not capture nor contest an Objective on the Turn it is placed. Only an Airborne Unit can Join an Airborne Unit.

Aircraft move above the battlefield at great speed. Their rapid movement makes them difficult to hit.
• An Aircraft Unit that performs a Move Action gains an Evade Save until its next Activation. Roll one die for every Hit the Aircraft Unit takes. Each roll of [BLOC] cancels one Hit.
• An Aircraft Unit that performs a March Move Action gains an Improved Evade Save until its next Activation. Roll one die for every Hit the Aircraft Unit takes. Each [BLOC] or [SHIELD] cancels one Hit.
• An Aircraft that hasn't moved yet or that remained stationary (such as a Helicopter that chooses to Hover) does not receive an Evade Save.

Airlifters are Aircraft that are equipped to airlift Vehicles into battle. An Airlifter can only carry Airmobile or Air Assault Vehicles.

An Airmobile Vehicle can be carried by an Airlifter such as the Mil Mi-48 'Carrier' Walker transport Helicopter.

An Amphibious Vehicle can enter and move through Water and Swamp as if it were Open Terrain.

Any Unit Hit by this Unit's Ranged Weapons automatically gains a Suppression token if it does not already have one. A Hero with this skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

One of the greatest advantages of Artillery is that it does not need to see its Target. It can use an Observer to radio back the coordinates of the enemy then fire at them from afar.

When a Unit with Artillery Observer performs an Attack or Sustained Attack Action, they may use the Artillery Weapons of a friendly Unit that has not yet Activated, rather than their own Unit's Weapons. The Artillery Unit immediately Activates and performs an Attack, Sustained Attack, or fires Smoke (whichever the Artillery Observer is performing) with its Artillery Weapons.

The Artillery Unit uses the Artillery Observer to determine Line of Sight (rather than its own position), but must check its Fire Arc and Range as normal. If the Artillery Weapon is a Reload Weapon and did not perform a Sustained Attack Action, it may perform a Reload Action either before or after the Attack Action. The Artillery Unit finishes its Activation, then the Artillery Observer continues its Activation.

A Unit with this Skill can use friendly Artillery Weapons as long as the miniature modeled with the Radio is in play.

A Hero with the Assassin Skill chooses which enemy Soldiers are assigned Hits when performing an Attack Action with Close-Combat Weapons.

The only exception is that the Assassin cannot Target the Unit Leader unless it is a Hero or the last remaining Soldier in the Unit taking Damage. A Hero with the Assassin Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

A Unit with the At the Double Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) may perform a free Move Action immediately after performing a March Move Action.

When a Hero with the Berserk Skill scores a Hit with a Close-Combat Weapon. roll another die scoring a further Hit on a roll of [BLOC] . Continue scoring Hits and rolling an additional die for each Hit until it rolls a miss.

If the Hero has a special rule that allows it to Hit on a roll of [BLOC] and [TARGET], [TARGET] only counts as a Hit for the first roll. Additional rolls only Hit on a roll of [BLOC]. A Hero with the Berserk Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

If your force has a Hero with the Black Ops skill you roll four dice for initiative rolls.

All Mindless Zombie Units (see Mindless Zombie Skill)within Range 1 of the Hero possessing the Blutkreuz at the start of their Activation Increase their Move to 3 and their March Move to 4, and gain the Charge Skill.

A Hero with the Blutkreuz does not share this ability with any Unit they Join.

A Brave Unit rolls three dice instead of two when rolling to remove Under Fire or Suppression

A Unit with the Camouflage Skill may take a Camouflage Special Action. Once it has done so, it cannot be attacked at Range 3 or higher.

This benefit ends if the Camouflaged Unit takes any Action other than a Move or Nothing Action (Artillery Observers can use their Skill to attack with an Artillery Unit as well). The Unit starts the game Camouflaged. A Unit with the Camouflage Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join nor with Heroes that Join this Unit.

A Unit with the Charge Skill (and any Unit It has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) may perform a free Attack Action using Close-Combat Weapons immediately after performing a March Move Action.

If a Hero with Cheat Death is eliminated, roll a die after resolving the Attack that eliminated the hero. On a roll of [BLOC] or [SHIELD], the Hero removes one point of Damage and survives, but gains a Stunned token. A Unit with a Stunned token cannot fight, including fighting back if attacked in Close Combat. Any time a Unit Activates while it has a Stunned token, it must perform a Nothing Action as its first Action, then remove any Stunned tokens.

If a Unit with a Stunned token attempts a Reactive Attack, it rolls a single die rather than two to see if it can make a Reactive Attack, but removes the Stunned token whether or not it succeeds in making an Attack Action.

May perform Special Actions with its Officer, Medic, or Mechanic to reactivate, rally, heal, repair, or rearm Units.

Due to Its extra communications equipment, a Command Vehicle provides any Command Squad mounted in it with an additional Radio Operator. In addition, Officers, Mechanics, and Medics mounted in the Command Vehicle can re-roll failed Command Squad Special Actions.

Individual Commissars must Join an Infantry Unit at the start of the game, becoming part of the Unit for the rest of the game. A Unit with a Commissar rolls three dice instead of two when rolling to remove Under Fire or Suppression tokens. There can't be more than one Commissar in a single Unit. Commissars must have the same Armor rating as the Unit they Join. If a Unit is returned to the game for any reason, any Commissar Joined to the Unit returns with them.

A Squad from a specific Faction Joined by a Commissar is always considered belonging to the said Faction.

A lone Commissar must Join an Infantry Unit with the same Armor value. Squads and Heroes are Infantry Units.

When an Infantry, Vehicle, or Hero Unit that is Damage Resilient is the Target of an Attack that rolls successful Hits. first roll for any Saves, then determine the Damage generated by the Hits that are not negated by successful Saves. Roll one die for each point of Damage, negating one point of Damage for each [BLOC]. The Unit takes any remaining Damage.

For Hits causing [SKULL] damage (instant death), Damage Resilient applies to half the full damage capacity rounded down, to a minimum of 1.

A Unit with the Damage Resilient Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join nor with Heroes t hat join this Unit.

A Unit with the Defensive Tactics Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) gains the Damage Resilient Skill when in Cover.

Any Unit reactivated by a Unit with this Skill using Get Moving You Monkeys gains the At the Double Skill for that Activation.

A Vehicle equipped with a Dozer Blade can perform a Dozer Special Action to dig in and gain Cover from any angle until it performs a Move or March Move Action. A Vehicle with a Dozer Blade can also perform Engineering Special Actions.

An Engineer Vehicle has special equipment, such as a Dozer Blade or Pincer, that allows it to perform specific Engineering Special Actions.

A Unit with the Execute Skill can take an Execute Special Action to choose and eliminate a Soldier that is part of a Unit with a Stunned token (including a Hero) or Grappled token within Range 1 of the Unit.

A Hero with the Expert Skill Hits on rolls of [BLOC] and [TARGET] when making an Attack or Sustained Attack action with the specified Weapon.

Once per game, a Unit with the Fighting spirit Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) Hits on rolls of [BLOC] and [TARGET] when making an Attack or Sustained Attack Action.

A Unit with the First Strike Skill resolves all their Close Combat Attacks and applies the results (including removing eliminated miniatures) before the enemy Units make their Close-Combat Attacks.

First Strike takes effect regardless of whether the Unit initiated the Close Combat Attack or is retaliating against a Close Combat Attack. A Unit with the First Strike Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join nor With Heroes that Join this Unit.

If one Unit with the First Strike Skill Attacks another Unit with the First Strike Skill, both Units ignore the Skill

The Unit can pass over any Terrain as if it were Open Terrain, provided that it ends its Move or March Move Action in Terrain that it could normally occupy. If a Hero has Joined a Unit, both must possess the Flying Skill.

Can take a Follow Me Special Action once per Turn. All friendly Infantry Units with Armor 1 or 2 within Range 2 and in Line of Sight roll a die. On a roll of [BLOC] they take an immediate Move Action with a Move rating of 2.

A Hero with this Skill may take a free Officer Special Action each time they Activate and, if Joined to a Unit with an Officer, roll two dice when attempting Officer Special Actions.

Only a Gorilla Hero may Join a Gorilla Unit. Gorilla Heroes cannot Join Units that are not Gorillas.

The specified Weapon is a Grapple Weapon.

A Half-Tracked Vehicle Units Move and March Move Actions are affected by the type ofTerrain
being crossed as indicated in the Terrain Table.

Unlike other Aircraft, a Helicopter can hover and therefore does not have to take a Move Action
as its first Action, allowing it to be assigned Sustained Attack Actions.

A Hero with the Infantry Ace Skill rolls a die when it Activates. On a [BLOC] or [TARGET] the Hero (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) gains a third Action for its Activation.

If a Unit with this Skill (or a Unit Joined) uses a Close Combat Weapon to eliminate a Hero or Officer, or Execute a Hero or Officer, roll four dice for Initiative at the start of each Turn for the rest of the game.

All successful dice rolls for Actions performed by an enemy Unit using a Radio within Range 6 of a Unit equipped with a Jammer are re-rolled. Enemies in Command Vehicles must re-roll successful dice rolls for each attempt to perform an Action using a Radio.

Jammer also affects Attack Actions and Sustained Attack Actions triggered by Artillery Observers, causing them to re-roll successful dice rolls.

When a Hero with Killing Spree scores a Hit with a Ranged Weapon, roll another die scoring a further Hit on a roll of [BLOC]· Continue scoring Hits and rolling an additional die for each Hit until it rolls a miss.

If the Hero has a special rule that allows it to Hit on a roll of [BLOC] and [TARGET], [TARGET] only counts as a Hit for the first roll. Additional rolls only Hit on a roll of [BLOC].

A Hero with the Killing Spree Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

A Loner Hero may not Join a Unit.

Once per game, a Hero with the Lucky Skill may re-roll any dice that failed to Hit with any of their weapons when making an Attack or Sustained Attack Action. A Hero with the Lucky Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join. Players do not need to declare the use of this Skill prior to making the original roll.

A Unit with this Skill may be assigned a Makeshift Repair Special Action. A Unit with the Mechanic Skill may not perform this Action while it is a Passenger or Pilot and may not target itself with the Mechanic Skill.

A Medevac Vehicle can perform a Medevac Special Action. If it does, select an Infantry Unit within Range 1. Roll a die for each Soldier eliminated from the Unit. Each roll of [BLOC] returns one of the eliminated Soldiers to the Unit.

A Unit with this Skill can be fielded by any Bloc.

Mindless Zombies are Zombies that can be led by a Hero equipped with the BlutKreuz Skill.

Mindless Zombies cannot take or hold Objectives but may contest them (applies to Units Joined) and are Immune to Suppression (applies to Units Joined).

Mindless Zombies can be Joined by a Zombie Hero or a Hero equipped with a BlutKreuz.

A Unit with this Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) may either perform a free Move Action immediately before or after performing a Sustained Attack Action using Ranged Weapons, or a free Attack Action using Ranged Weapons immediately before or after taking a March Move Action.

A Naval Unit treats Water as Open Terrain, but cannot enter any other type of Terrain. A Naval Unit may take a free Attack Action immediately after it performs a March Move Action. An eliminated Naval Unit becomes Water Terrain.

Any Unit Joined by this Hero cannot gain Under Fire or Suppression tokens.

A Hero that is an Officer may perform Officer Special Actions

A Vehicle equipped to carry Passengers can transport Infantry Units. The number in parenthesis (#) indicates the number of Passenger Spaces available Inside the Vehicle.

A Vehicle with the Pilot: Name attribute can only be piloted by the named Hero. The Vehicle can still be fielded without a pilot. This Vehicle is unique so only one may be included in any player's force.

All friendly Infantry Units within Range 2 and with Line of Sight to the Unit possessing the Red Banner Skill roll three dice when Rallying.

A Hero equipped With a Blutkreuz may take a Resurrection Special Action. If they do so, select a Mindless Zombie Unit within Range 1  Roll a die for each Zombie Soldier eliminated from the Unit. Each [BLOC] rolled returns one of the eliminated Zombie Soldiers to the Unit.

A Unit with this Skill Hits on [BLOC] and [TARGET] with the specified Weapon.


If a Unit with this Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) performs a March Move during its first Activation of the game, it gains a third Action for this Activation.

Sea lifters are Naval Units that are equipped to carry Units into battle (see page 23 ).

Small Vehicles always receive Cover. When in Cover, they do not gain an improved Save. Small Vehicles determine and affect Line of Sight (LoS) as if they were Infantry Units, but do block LoS for other Small Vehicles.

Once per game, a Vehicle with Smoke Launchers may take a free Launch Smoke Special Action to place a Smoke Screen on itself. If playing on a grid, the Smoke Screen Area is any one square occupied by the Vehicle plus three adjacent squares that form a larger 2x2 square. The adjacent squares are chosen by the player using the Smoke Launcher and do not need to be in Line of Sight of the Vehicle launching the Smoke.

When playing free-form size of the smoke is the same as the Artillery Template (a 4-inch radius circle). Place the template such that the centre point of the template is within or touching the edge of the base or body of the unit.

A Unit with the Spy Skill can choose to:

- enter the battlefield like any other Unit, on the first Turn of the game (as described in the Scenario) .

- be deployed on the battlefield like any other Unit before the first Turn of the game (if the Scenario allows such deployment)

- stay off the battlefield, for as long as it wants. If it does so, the Unit only does Nothing Actions, can Pass, and counts towards the number of Units in play.

- execute a Spy Revealed! Activation, if the Unit is not already on the battlefield. A Unit with the Spy Skill can execute a Spy Revealed! Activation when it is Activated and has not yet entered the battlefield. If it does, roll two dice:
     • if you score one [BLOC], the Spy Unit is immediately placed within Range 1 of an enemy Unit and it has one Action for this Activation.
     • if you score two [BLOC], the Spy Unit is immediately placed within Range 1 of an enemy Unit and it has two Actions for this Activation.
     • if you don’t score any [BLOC], the Spy Unit is not placed on the battlefield and may only perform Nothing Actions this Activation. The Unit can try another Spy Revealed! for its next Activation.

A Unit that is not on the battlefield cannot be the target of Command Actions. A Spy that has not entered the battlefield is considered destroyed at the end of the game. This Skill is not shared with a Unit Joined.

Steel Guard never have a Cover or Infantry Save but has Improved Structural Save. Only a Steel Guard Hero may Join a Steel Guard Unit and Join only Units that are Steel Guard. A Unit with this Skill also gains the Damage Resilient Skill.

A Strongpoint Unit must be deployed in a Strongpoint or Bunker.

Superhumans are Heroes but cannot Join other Units. They can share a square with them like regular Heroes.

Superhumans pass a normal Cover or Infantry Save on a roll of [BLOC] and [TARGET] and benefit from enhanced forms of Cover Saves (i.e.- Bunkers) like other Units.

A Superhuman cannot be Suppressed, so never receives Under Fire or Suppression tokens.

Support Weapons have three or four Soldiers on the same base. If they've sustained Damage, Support Weapon Units have one Soldier left for each point remaining on their Damage Track.

They use a two-man team to fire the Support Weapon (although one can do so in an emergency). Only the third and/or fourth Soldiers of the Unit can fire other weapons if the Support Weapon fires. Each time a player Attacks with a Support Weapon, they must choose which weapons the Crew are using. The player may choose different combinations of weapons for each Attack.

A Hero with the Take Aim Skill hits on rolls of [BLOC] and [TARGET] when making a Sustained Attack Action with Ranged weapons. A Hero with the Take Aim Skill does not share it with any Unit they Join.

A Tracked Vehicle Unit's Move and March Move Actions are affected by the type of Terrain being crossed as indicated in the Terrain Table.

A Unit with the Trailblazer Skill (and any Unit it has Joined or Hero that has Joined it) can move through enemy Units.

A Wheeled Vehicle Unit's Move and March Move Actions are affected by the type of Terrain
being crossed as indicated in the Terrain Table.

A Zombie Unit never makes Cover or Infantry Saves but has Improved Structural Save. An Officer, Medic, or Mechanic cannot target a Zombie with their Command Squad Special Actions.

A Zombie Unit can never mount a Vehicle or Aircraft as Passengers.

Only a Zombie Hero may Join a Unit. Zombie Heroes cannot Join Units that are not Zombies.

Campaign Skills

Here are skills created for specific campaigns and not necessarily balanced or suitable for competitive or official play.

Heavy Duty
Unit gains Structural Save. Applies to Unit joined.

Kungfu Fighting
Each model in the Unit gains 2/1 against Infantry Units in Close Combat.

Partial Damage Resilient
Unit gains Damage Resilient against first half of the damage it takes per weapon rounded down, to a minimum of 1.

Example: A unit with Partial Damage Resilient is hit by a bazooka and machine gun in the same Attack. The bazooka does 3 damage and the machine gun does 4 damage. The unit rolls Damage Resilient against the first 1 damage from the bazooka and the first 2 damage from the machine gun.

The named weapon treat target armour class as one lower to a minimum of 1.

Unit increases Armour rating by 1. Example: A vehicle with Armour rating 4 equipped with Reinforced increases its Armour rating to 5.


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