Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition - Rules Introduction Pt 2
In this next part I describe in some detail the Action Phase , which is where players will spend the bulk of their gaming time. There are four kinds of actions that can be executed: 1) Strategic Action 2) Tactical Action 3) Transfer Action 4) Action Card A player can play #1 to #3 anytime when it is his turn in the Action Phase. Once you have Passed, you may not take any further actions in this phase. Strategic Action A player execute a Strategic Action by playing his Strategy Card. He first reads and then resolves the Primary Ability as printed on his Strategy Card. After the active player has finished resolving the Primary Ability, the other players may each spend one Command Counter execute the Secondary Ability of the current Strategy Card. Tactical Action It is during a Tactical Actions that you will move your fleets on the board,engage in space battles, transport your Ground Forces to new planets, build new units, etc. You activate a system by spending a Com...