Elite Dangerous: Now at a Black Friday sale price
One of the greatest virtual reality experiences around has just had its price slashed. We can now get the space flight/combat/trading/exploring sim/game Elite:Dangerous for just £9.99 https://community.elitedangerous.com/node/344 Not sure how long the sales will last but I intend to pick up a copy for myself. I have been a fan of the original Elite and have put off getting a copy due to high price and the fact that the early reports were the game, while very good, wasn't quite ready for release. Now, nearly a year later the gaming is slowly maturing, and at this great price point I feel it is worth picking up. Screenshot from Elite Dangerous I spent many afternoons exploring the original 256 star systems (I never bought the inter-galactic hyperspace drive, so couldn't go to other galaxies) in vector drawn 3D graphics. Doesn't matter that the system's star/sun was just a round non-aliased circle in the space, and that ships were no more than polygonal shape