
Singapore Open Gaming (SOG) was started by Ken Lee in 2006 as a gaming group and later as a session under the Singapore Boardgames Meetup on meetup.com. SOG was setup to be a gaming meetup for gamers by gamers and we have kept that vision in mind.

After Ken moved to Australia in 2008, Wong Koi Hin took over the organisation of the monthly sessions. The monthly SOG session attracts about 50+ gamers. In July 2015 we organised our first ever SOG Convention which saw more than 200 gamers gathering to demonstrate, play and share their love for tabletop gaming.

The SOG blog will cover gaming and related activies here in sunny Singapore, including the various games meetup sessions, events, and news about gaming in Singapore and the region. While there is a strong focus on tabletop gaming, other kinds of gaming and play will be covered as well. We won't be too restrictive if the play is fun!

Like us on our FB page at www.facebook.com/singaporeopengaming

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