Shadows over Angers - Dramatis Personae
The player characters (The characters are still being developed between sessions) Pierre Letreque played by David R. 1.8 m, 70 kg, curly brown hair w/ gray streaks & receding hairline, aquiline nose, stooped shoulders, clean-shaven, late 30s. He usually has his medical bag with him and drives an ambulance. Pierre participated in the Great War as an Army Doctor where his youthful idealism was crushed by the horrors of the trenches. He resigned from the Army in 1921, the same year his wife died. He works at a government health department as a roving physician to smaller towns and villagers. He has no children. He has a quiet demeanor. He is cynical about politics and government He is in Angers to visit Dr. Eric Gilbert (a friend) and to replenish medical supplies. Excellent Physician (trauma, great bedside manners) 5 Above average intelligence 4 Experienced amateur botanist 4 (can survive in the woods 3) Handy at fixing his ambulance 3 (general mechanic 2...