Captain Koshka Rudinova
“Koshka” – 3rd Special Duty Division, SMERSH
Notable History: Hero of the SSU – 1945, Order of Kutuzov – 1945, Hero of the Soviet Union – 1943, Order of the Patriotic War – 1942, Born 1917 in Moscow, USSR
Captain Rudinova is a legend amongst the SSU. She is probably the most famous citizen of the bloc serving directly in the armed forces. Daughter of the Soviet hero Colonel Mikhail Rudinova, now MIA, Koshka grew up on various army bases throughout the USSR; she and her mother would follow the Colonel as he was transferred from one command to another.
Raised as a boy amongst the other boys on base, serving in the military was a natural calling for Koshka. She joined the Red Cadets at age 15 and has served her country ever since. Soon after her initial infantry training she enrolled in a program for tank commanders where she bested all of
her classmates. Koshka was in command of a T34 platoon when the war began, and she defended her beloved city of Moscow with a strength born of desperation.
When the Soviet Army went on the offensive, Koshka was called upon to join the Spetsnaz special forces. This is where she currently serves, but now she commands a regiment of
her own. Throughout her career, Koshka has gained many different skills. She is an expert in hand-to-hand combat and a decent markswoman. She has unnaturally good piloting skills when operating “Grand’Ma”, her very own walker. Koshka has a near-symbiotic relationship with this machine, which was customized after her own designs.
The small world of spies and special forces operatives is very aware of Koshka’s loose relationship with Joe Brown, a hero of the Allies. SSU top spies hope that someday he can be turned by Koshka’s charm.
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