Dust Axis - Blutkreuz Kampfaffen Markus Platoon

Dust Axis - Blutkreuz Kampfaffen Markus Platoon

Animal experimentation, transplanting body parts and organs with the use of reanimation serum, lead to one of the Blutkreuz's most ambitious projects - the creat1on of intelligent beasts to be used in combat. Parts or the entire human brains were implanted in living gorillas. Using the re-animation serum as an anti-rejection agent the result was the creation or Kampfaffen.

Command Unit

Combat Unit 1
Blutkreuz Korps Gorilla Squad
Blutkreuz Korps Gorilla Pioneer Squad

Combat Unit 2
Same as Combat Unit 1

Combat Unit 3
Same as Combat Unit 1

Combat Unit 4
Same as Combat Unit 1


Gorilla Units in this platoon cannot receive a Suppression token during a Charge Action (as a result of any Reactive Attack that interrupts it).

Markus also gains the following Skill Get Moving you Lousy Bunch of Humans. Markus can use the Get Moving You Bunch of Monkeys Officer Action as long as he is targeting an Ape Unit.

Alternate Platoon Advantage: We are Apes, Not Monkeys*

As long as Markus is in play, Gorilla Units in this platoon gain the Brave Skill and cannot receive a Suppression token during a Charge Action (as a result of any Reactive Attack that interrupts it).

Gorilla Units in this platoon increase their March Move to 5.

*Alternate Platoon rules are for scenarios and specific campaigns only, and not in use in official tournaments unless otherwise stated.


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